Katie Louisa Johnson
(1870-1912) |
Katie Louisa Johnson 13
General Notes: Listed as dressmaker in 1891 census. Noted events in her life were: 1. Census UK 1871: 1871, 18 Lordship Lane, Camberwell St Giles, London. 2. She appeared on the census in 1881 in 14 Knowles Hill Crescent, Lewisham. 3. She appeared on the census in 1891 in 27 Knowles Hill Crescent, Lewisham. 4. She appeared on the census in 1901 in 126 Rushey Green, Lewisham. 5. She appeared on the census in 1911 in 126 Rushey Green, Lewisham. 6. Resided: 15 April 1912, 126 Rushey Green, Lewisham. 13 7. She had an estate probated on 19 June 1912 in London. 13 |
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