Reverend Stopford Augustus Brooke 17,18,22,380,496
- Born: 14 November 1832, Glendoen, Letterkenny, Donegal
- Marriage: Emma Diana Wentworth-Beaumont on 23 March 1858
- Died: 18 March 1916, Four Winds, Cranleigh, Surrey aged 83
General Notes:
W. L Brooke is listed as staying at the hotel with Stopford Brooke, b c 1835 in Ireland and was a barrister. Possible brother?
From The Times, March 20, 1916
We regret to announce that the Rev. Stopford Brooke, the noted preacher and literary and art critic, died on Saturday at his residence at Ewhurst, Surrey. Stopford Augustus Brooke was a member of a well-known Irish family, General Brooke being his brother and Lord Courtown his cousin. He was the eldest son of Richard Sinclair Brooke and of his wife, Anna Stopford; was born at Letterkenny, county Donegal, in 1832; went to school at Kidderminster and Kingstown; and graduated at Trinity College, Dublin, where he obtained the Downe prize and the Vice-Chancellor's prize for English verse. He was soon afterwards ordained, becoming curate of St. Matthew, Marylebone, in 1857. From this time his life was passed in London. He married a sister of Mr. Wentworth Beaumont (afterwards Lord Allendale), and, after he became in 1860 curate to Mr. Maclagan (subsequently Archbishop of York) at St. Mary Abbot's Kensington, he quickly became known for the eloqence of his sermons, and for his interest in matters literary and artistic. In 1866 he became minister of St. James's Chapel, York-street, St. James's-square, where he remained till the chapel was demolished in 1875; and before long his Sunday services were crowded by distinguished congregations, who listened eagerly to the sermons of a man who had already become one of the leaders of the Liberal movement in the Church of England. Before this, in 1865, Mr. Brooke had published what still remains, in the opinion of many, his most important book, the "Life and Letters of Frederick W. Robertson". To a certain number of friends and persons interested in religious movement "Robertson of Brighton" was even then an inspiring name, and a beloved memory; but it remained for Mr. Stopford Brooke to make him known all over England and America. A Follower of Ruskin If Mr. Brooke in his own doctrines followed any leader, it was not Maurice, nor Kingsley, nor Jowett, but Frederick Robinson; though he was perhaps influenced even more, if we regard the whole body of his opinions, by Mr. Ruskin. Captivated by the beauty of that great writer's style, and taught by him to find perfection in Florentino and Venetian art, Mr. Brooke may be said to have enrolled himself almost without reservation, at least for a time, among the band of Mr. Ruskin's followers. His own natural exuberance of fancy and of diction, which he shared with so many other Irishmen, led him to feel a close affinity with the most eloquent, the most pictorial, of English writers, while in later years, when he had ceased to agree with some of Mr. Ruskin's aesthetic dogmas, his passionate interest in social questions made him adopt, with the Socialists, a good many of the Coniston prophet's social theories. The death of his wife, about 1872, was a terrible blow to Mr. Brooke, but it did not break up the home in Manchester-square or interrupt the course of his clerical work. He flung himself more and more upon the consoling influences of friendship; and few men had warmer friends that J. R. Green, F. T. Palgrave, and some others were to him in those days. He was appointed Chaplain in Ordinary to the Queen in 1872, and after losing St. James's Chapel he became lessee and minister of Bedford Chapel, Bloomsbury. Several volumes of sermons appeared from time to time, growing gradually less and less dogmatic in tone, so that no great surprise was caused when, in 1880, Mr. Brooke announced that he had seceded from the Established Church of England. From this time he acted with the Unitarians, though his relation to that body was hardly one of complete adoption. He used, for example, his own liturgy, freely adapted from the Church of England Prayer-book; and in all matters of ritual he continued to conform pretty closely to the Anglican pratice. Of course a certain number of his congregation left him, but their places were filled by others, and during all the years of his occupancy of Bedford Chapel he continued to preach to large audiences
twice on every Sunday in the year, except during the two months of his autumn holiday, which he generally spent in his beloved Italy. Often the evening sermons were avowedly lectures on literary subjects, especially on the lives and works of English poets. Of these Mr. Brooke had a great knowledge, which grew deeper and more comprehensive to the end; and his judgments, if sometimes a little exuberantly expressed, were always sympathetic and often profoundly true. His well-known little "Primer of English Literature" was thought by Matthew Arnold worthy of a most respectful and laudatory review; and his various purblished discourses on the poets are not mere moral essays - they are often brilliant pieces of criticism. The Study of Poetry How seriously he worked at his own subjects is shown by that monumental fragment of a "History of Early English Literature" which was all he lived to accomplish. The two large volumes - dealing with poetry to the Accession of Alfred - only brought the history down to what most of us would call the infancy of the language, so deeply had the writer tried to sound and probe the origins of a literature which he always maintained to be the greatest in the world. His singualr gift for interpreting poetic movements was equally conspicuous during the closing years of his life, when he specially divoted himself to the study of 19th century poetry. The study of Tennyson which he published in 1894 was followed in 1902 by a book on "The Poetry of Robert Browning", perhaps the most illuminating criticism of the poet which has a appeared. "Studies in Poetry" (1907) dealt with Blake, Scott, Keats, and Shelley; while Clough, Arnold, Rossetti, and Morris were studied in "Four Poets" (1908). Apart from these, and one or two other published works, and from his successful advocacy to the purchase of Dove Cottage as a memorial to Wordsworth, Mr. Brooke had been for the last 10 or 12 years less prominently before the world. His health was not good, and frequently caused great anxiety to his friends. But some years ago a lectureship in literature was founded for him, and he was able to deliver several courses of lectures as well as to preach frequently, especially at Hampstead. He retained considerable personal influence; he wrote eloquently and talked well and he divided his interest pretty equally between liberal religion, the social question, pure literature, and art. Of the last he was at once a passionate appreciator and a good judge, though he was out of sympathy with most of its modern developments. He admired Tintoret, Turner, and the Italian landscape painter Giovanni Costa; for he looked above all other elements in art to its power of giving imaginative pleasure. He was thus as little likely to care for the harsh realsim of Manet and his imitators as he was, in the social field, to care for the ruthless commercialism which his friends Ruskin and William Morris denounced so fiercely. Mr. Brooke leaves a son, Stopford, who became a Unitarian minister, with a thriving church in Boston, U.S.A.; returning to England he sate as Liberal M.P. for Bow and Bromley from 1906 to 1910, and afterwards unsuccessfully contested the Bassetlaw division. Of his daughers, one is married to Mr. Jacks, Principal of Manchester College, at Oxford, one to her cousin, Mr. Leslie Brooke, the artist, and one to Mr. T.W. Rolleston, author and journalist. Educated at Kidderminster grammar school and Trinity College, Dublin. Ordained in London on 7 June 1857. Appointed Chaplain to the British Embassy in Berlin in 1826.
Noted events in his life were:
1. Census UK 1871: 1871, 1 Manchester Square, Marylebone, London.
2. Census UK 1881: 1881, 1 Manchester Square, Marylebone, London.
3. Visitor: 1891, Rothay Hotel, Grasmere, Westmoreland.
4. He retired in 1895.
5. Boarder: 1901, 135 Hayley Road, Edgbaston, Warwickshire.
6. Census UK 1911: 1911, 1 Manchester Square, Marylebone, London. 10
7. Resided: 18 March 1916, Four Winds, Cranleigh, Surrey. 13
8. He was cremated on 22 March 1916 in Woking Crematorium.
9. His funeral was held on 22 March 1916 in Four Winds, Cranleigh, Surrey.
10. Memorial Service: 22 March 1916, Rosslyn Hill Chapel, Hampstead.
11. He had an estate probated on 20 May 1916 in London. 13
Stopford married Emma Diana Wentworth-Beaumont, daughter of Thomas Wentworth-Beaumont and Unknown, on 23 March 1858. (Emma Diana Wentworth-Beaumont was born in 1831 in London and died in 1874.)