Carl Fredrich von Gralath
Frederick William von Gralath
Matilda von Gralath


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James Balfour

Matilda von Gralath 339,497

  • Born: 8 May 1817
  • Marriage: James Balfour on 5 July 1836
  • Died: 11 November 1850 aged 33

bullet  Medical Notes:

Vaccinated 08/08/1817. 18 August 1818 had mumps, January 1819 had
tonsilitis, 1819 had infection, December 1821 3 weeks sick with fever.
1825 started piano lessons. August 1829 had measles, 2 July 1833 had
chicken pox.


bullet  Noted events in her life were:

1. She was baptised on 27 July 1817.

2. School attendance record: 1824.


Matilda married James Balfour, son of James Balfour and Caroline Beata Amelia von Gralath, on 5 July 1836. (James Balfour was born on 10 June 1808 in Prussia (Germany) and died on 18 May 1862.)

bullet  Noted events in their marriage were:

1. They were engaged on 7 September 1835.

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