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Sir William Fiennes
Joan de Say
William Batisford
Margery Peplesham
Sir William Fiennes
Elizabeth Batisford
James Fiennes, 1st Lord Saye & Sele


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James Fiennes, 1st Lord Saye & Sele 568

  • Born: 1390
  • Marriage: Unknown
  • Died: 1450 aged 60

bullet  General Notes:

Fought at Agincourt. Justice of the Peace for Kent. Sheriff of Kent 1436 - 37 and Sussex 1438 - 39. MP for Kent until 1447. Lord High Treasurer in the reign of King Henry VI., and was beheaded in an insurrection of the Londoners, after a mock trial in Guildhall, in 1450.


James married.

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