Heytesbury House

Feby 1st 1825

My Dear William,

     I send you (on the other side) your account to 25th December 1825(sic): no arrears of any kind. The quarterly bills very low. The renewing the hill has been a heavy but a most necessary expense; &I believe it will still require about 10£ to complete it. As this expense must have been incurred sooner or later, it was certainly better to meet it at once & gain all possible time in the plantation.

     We are continuing to collect every information as to the intended new poor rate & I am in hopes we shall be able to bring it about amicably this year. I have copied your map afresh & have numbered it differently – correcting all inaccuracies & adding the various alterations. In the present map, there are several numbers omitted altogether. I have with much trouble & difficulty assorted the whole of Chapman’s lands & houses to his several Leases & Copies; & he has been civil enough to call upon me with his deeds to inspect my numbers & to admit their entire correctness. This is so far satisfactory, that I can now make you a new book of particulars, free from errors & this I will do, when a little more at leisure.

Behaste your affectionate Brother

C: A: à Court